Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What you need for #2

Here are the things that I needed for baby #2. #1 was born in July, #2 in November, both boys.

1. Blankets- with #2 being a winter baby, we needed TONS more blankets! We luckily were given quite a few when #2 was born, so that helped a lot!

2. 2nd set of monitors- buy the same brand that you already have. We tried to get a Graco and use it with our Fisher-Price, it didn't work. They messed each other up. So I ended up getting a 2nd Fisher-Price.

3. Diaper Shower- Have your family/friends who want to throw you a shower throw a diaper shower. It's so much fun! You go to a restaurant, someone brings cake (or cookie) and you all sit around talking and Mommy-to-be-again gets a load of diapers to start of #2's life!

4. Try cloth diapers- this is something we are doing... starting very soon (we have diapers left over from some gifts, so we are getting those used up). it's REALLY cost efficient to use cloth... I got my whole stash for under $150! I bought seconds... that's only 3-4 months worth of diapers, so I think it will be a good investment for us!

5. Clothing- since my boys were born in opposite seasons, we needed warmer clothing for #2. We got a lot of undershirts (long-sleeved) at Carter's Outlet to make someof #1's sleepers work. We also asked for clothing for #2 for Christmas.

6. Double Stroller- we got the Joovy (like a sit and stand) ultra lite. It's awesome!! I may also end up with a double jogger, but I need to be able to go outside, before I go about buying one of those!!

7. Make sure you have: a good swing, a bouncer, and a swing/bouncer on each floor. We bought a bigger house before #2 was born, so we actually needed a bouncer and another swing for the different floors of the house. We bought a travel swing for the upstairs. This has been a life-saver! 1) he sleeps in it in our room, because he likes to sleep proped up, 2) I can take it quickly all over the upstairs- when #1 is taking a bath, I can drag it over there so we can have 2 happy boys! I also like to drag it around when he is awake and I can talk to him while I clean. We have our "big" swing (Graco sweetpeace) in the family room where we spend most of our time. These things have been lifesavers for occupying #2 while I have to do something for #1!
8. Last but definately NOT least... you need a supportive partner. My husband works all day and still wakes up with #2 and changes his diaper and gives him to me to feed. He also gets up each morning when #1 awakens and takes care of him! So I can rest! What a husband!!
I'm sure there are other things that I have forgotten, but really it's cheaper to have #2 than #1!

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